I wish my first b-day was this fun...
The man on the right is a Senator and the man on the left is a brilliant old Fijian man with an amazing accent that teaches at CMI (College of the Marshall Islands) which is right next door to Assumption Parish and my house and where I am taking Marshallese class Mon, Wed, and Fri from 5-6.
This was at a first birthday party for william. Yes first. In that wooden bowl like contraption is kava. An island narcotic beverage that numbs your body pleasantly then gets you smashed. At least that's what its supposed to do. I drank the damn stuff until I was blue in the face and I didn't feel jack. Luke (The Elementary School Vice-Principal) said it was really weak. Its made from a root and water. The Fijian word for it is Iangona. I remember it 'cuz it sounds like Nalgona, which is big assed girl in spanish.
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