Friday, August 04, 2006


So. Majuro.
Generally emmaan (good). I wouldn't go so far to say emmaan tata (the best!) but also not Enana (not good) Its well kinda dirty, kinda gross, kinda hot, kinda shabby, kinda poor, kinda small, kinda everything. It will not be comfortable ever, it will never be sweet, or clean, or all too nice. It will never be easy.
I will always be beautiful, fun, full of kids, and drawing, and play fighting, full of laughs and smiles, and a warm community, it will always be wet and sticky, and things will be rust and moldy. It will always be shy yet embracing.

I am obssessive about learning Marshellese.. ntoa big surprise. I am scared of starting to teach next week. But I think it will be ok. We had our first faculty meeting for the high school and we traded classes like baseball cards. it was a bit wierd. I got Senior theology, which i am excited about because tis world religions and i get to do stuff for graduation at the end of the year. and i traded junior religion, which was like semi boring vocational/sacramental stuff for freshman spectrum.
its ok i also didn't know what it was. its general science, ill just do my best to stay a page ahead.

Jaqueline, Emily, and Greg are great. they will be fun to live with. All interesting adn quirky in their own ways.

Ok I'm tired of typing. I'll write to you all by snail mail soon.
I'll also try and do pictures.


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