Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Matress Saga pt. 3

Sleeping on the wood felt better than the mattress! I liked not having it anymore. I would like not having this place anymroe for so many reasons, and I love being here for so many reasons. Apostolic availability is what I signed up for after all....
Can we go pack to the pictures of puppies?
I wish people left comments.
I wish calling america was easier.
I wish i knew peoples numbers to call them if i could.
I miss air conditioning and computers, and common sense and reason and logic and effeciency.
I miss rural India, and cows and goats and chickens, I miss farming adn having to walk 3 km to the itnernet, i miss hills and mountains and rivers full fo trash.
I miss Navin, Basante, Binita, and Prasant, and Pratiksha, and Aamaa and baabaa, and thuliaamaa, and mark and tenders, and suz and john, and nisha and sarah, and molly long. where are you molly long? and arielle too where did you go?
I miss choclate cake, cold air, snow, walking, arroz con leche, people who don't think america is the be all and end all of life, i miss nto seeing white people all the time, or only hite people all teh time, but not this awkward mix of to much adn too little...
I miss devanagari, i miss andy, and i miss warmth, i miss not sweating, i miss real food, and bad food, and cheap food, and anything but more processed american crap made doublepriced by importation. I miss wanting to learn a language, i missed loving the things that were hard about life, i missed being so bappy that everything i found inconveniant, walking, food, not showering, going to the bathrrom, sleeping on hardness, bugs, life, love, time... was infinately negligible, a small and unnoticable price to pay for the beauty around me and the happiness in my heart, for seeing god in teh small things, for the God of Small Things.
I don't like missing God becaue of my own challenges.
I'm glad I'm here... it's miserable and impossible to want to get up in the morning.
I think I'll learn something, and if I don't I'll have wasted one of God's greatest gifts to me.


At 11:48 AM, Blogger Lady Amalthea said...

I miss you too, darling!


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