This is not a very clear picture. But it doesn't matter because it is kindergardeners doing a chicken dance and that is universally fantastic.
We had an elementary school "TALENT SHOW" fundraiser where every class had to participate with more than one number and they did and it was fantastic.We also had a high school "VARIETY SHOW" with little variety but liek 25 numbers. Each show lasted over 3 hours, and other than my being exhausted from chasing kids around. I thought they were GREAT!
I have gotten tired of people of the american denomnation that criticize a lot of what goes on here because: A: it is not to THEIR taste and what a show, or class, or behavior SHOULD be, and B: because they simply don't like it. I'm tired of it because being around it makes me do it to and it makes me angry at myself for not having the will and character to not do it and remain silent, and for encouraging it through my actions. I also hate it because I LIKE most of the stuff they complain about. PLUS i think half of the stuff they complain about is so blown out of proportion. Again, making me blow so many things way out of the water. Oh there's no electricity for a day, oh there is a little teeny tiny iddy bitty piece fo glass in my food, oh we only get rice everyday even though we don't, oh we don't have enough variety, oh the dances are boring, oh they don't smile, oh they don't appreciate my presentation of food they just eat it...SHUTUP!! That is a shutup both for tham and for my own self. Stop bitching about things. Things that really don't matter at all!!!
Arg.. it makes me so angry and frustrated. And here I am complaining about how much people complain instead of just breathing and dealing with it, and maybe praying that the next community is less, just slightly less tied to what i don't like about "americanism" and has some more of the things i do like.
All I want sometimes is for life to be more of a group of kindergardeners doing a chicken dance. If you pay attention they all suck at it, but they're all enjoying each moment adn who really cares about the rest of it?
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