Monday, October 09, 2006

The Dungeon

The faculty lounge used ot be called the dungeon, because it was underground, under the church, dark, dirty, and well, mostly like a dungeon.

This new faculty room has a brand new airconditioner, we have kids on JUG clean it all the time, and everything in it is clean(ish) and new(ish).

No better name has come yet.

I pulled my first all nighter since college in this room last night. It is the end of the quarter and I had tests to write, things to grade, review packages to make, and so on. I even made a Jeopardy board out of colored paper for a review game.

My desk.
The one in front with the two posters on it, rolled up.
A messy hell.
A comfortable little home near home.
I'm very grateful for my little space.
Greg sits next to me.
I'm grateful for that too, but don't tell him. His head is big enough. Literally. He kind of looks like a bobblehead sometimes.


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