Moon Landing
I have to say that I have been emphatically reading discover magazines that were graciously sent to me by one amazingly beautiful pair of people. Thank you...
Unfortuantely, the pink monkey got wet and is a little grimey... but overall he is a happy fellow.
All I have to say is wow, thank you, and the nutella lasted about 4 hours...
Oh, and that I'm not so keen right now on living in north carolina, but I am excited for you, and it sounds like a good place to freeload for a few holidays each year...
On that note I would like to talk about NASA's plans to rearrange their budget to center work on:
A: Returning to the moon
B: Attempting a Space colony
and all of that really just being practice for
C: Landing on Mars.
While many people in our current times of rising global crises may see this as a foolish waste of money, I'm going to go with Steven Hawkings and support the obvoius,
Too many people and rising global instability does dictate that the future of the human race may not lie solely on earth. While that may be ridiculous science fiction to some, so was "The New World" or landing on the moon in the First place.
That being said, I am not thinking that space colonization will be an element of reality in my lifetime, (while going to space for a joy ride to create revenue for NASA and Virgin might be), but I am glad to see that SOME of the taxpayers' money is going to something significantly more cool and interesting than the "war on terror" or anything having to do with the billions of dollars spent on election campaigns.
What about problems here on Earth? Some would say, what about AIDS research, poverty, hunger, cancer!!!! and the heat... my god! ... THE HEAT!!!
Well, I say, no LESS money is going into those things, money is simply being refocused from mechanized missions, to human involved missions, which, to me is another plus. Adding the human element back into space research helps eleimate the science fiction and bring ont eh reality, it also helps us push ourselves harder to develop technology for the safety and plausibility of humans spending a long time in space.
AIDS research is hard because it may be, whether we like it or not, have to be added to the list of diseases we CANNOT vaccinate against, like malaria and tuberculosis, and then.. oh dear, the responsibility to protect humans from AIDS will completely be on education and personal responsibility... I know that that is a great fear for many.... What? We can't just get something done to us to make our lives easier, so that we can do whatever we want without thinking about it?.... At the pace we are going, according to most scientists, it will be a decade or a few decades before we reach a vaccine, but the most likely end result will probably not be one...
Obviously, I am not making a jab at people with AIDS. Its a disease, and it sucks, and I feel a lot of sympathy and compassion for those who have it, especially for those who did educate and protect themselves and still contracted the disease. But, seeing as it is not the easiest disease to catch, as opposed to say malaria or tuberculosis, I do often wonder if our moeny would not be better spent on funding good sexual education programs, that lead with abstiance as the forefront, but don't presume that that people won't still have sex, and educates our teenagers on how and why to protect themselves.
Poverty, hunger and the rest of the legitimate problems in the world, and in our country, i think have a more pressing battle to fight than that of being short on change. Until, which may never happen totally, but until there is a radical change in the mindset of the importance of material gain, and the revered cult of the glorious American Individual, those probelsm will continue to fester and grow, and many people will be taken in the wake. As long as there are still Sunday Christians praising the Bible but not listening to its call for simplicity and communal care, as long as there are the few and far between churches preaching that people deserve to be poor, as long as there are atheist materialists instead of atheist moralists at the forfront of our country, well... don't expect a bigger budget to change much. Before anything can change, WE have to change, the way we think and the way we live our lives, and especially the way we run our companies. As long as CEOs are making millions by paying workers 5 dollars an hour and never training them, as long as people keep getting absurdly more money than they will ever need, and as long as children are taught that the goal of life is to bring yourself to the top, no matter who you step on or leave behind... we will be pleaged by the consequences we have raught upon ourselves. Unfortuantely, it is not the ones with that mentallity that usually suffer. Pure materialsim is a religion all its own, with its own safty measueres. If you are that far gone, you don't CARE about making others suffer, and so that happens.. over and over again... its a great saftey mechanism.
Anyway.. the whole point is let's go to the moon. Heck, I'm ready to go myself... as long as we don't put an american flag on it, declare it the 51st state and start whipping out the shotgun when other countries' astronauts try to land.
WE are SO glad you got the package! WE miss YOU tons. Anyway, we are moving out in July and then going to London. Then we will be in NC in August. Then it will only be one more year til you can come hang out, and do Italian puzzles online at our house, and play games, and pet our kitties, and help raise our children. Alyssa says no to raising children, I say yes. Anyway, feel free to call sometime. Much love.
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