News and stuff
So I am giving up one someone in my life that gives me nothing but headaches and awkward situations. I hate doing it, its selfish, adn wroing, unChristlike, bad, foolish, mean, maybe even evil. But, its driving me insane, and its a purely hurtful and one sided friendship. In my opinion no longer worth my efforts.
On a happier note I got into Teach for America. I have until May 1st to say yes. I got English as a Second Language in Houston. Everyone has said not so great things about Houston, but I'm pretty sure I can find its charm. Everyone says pretty awful (and generally truthful) things about LA, which objectively I really dislike. But, I have found its charm here and there. Plus that's not the point right? I'm there for the kids.
There's no way I won't accept unless I hear back from JVI and its an acceptance call. Then I'll drop Teach for America like a bad habit and run to the closest Jez Rez for a communion wine and wafer party.
We'll see.
My dad seemed to really like the concept of me teaching ESL in Houston. As liek aprt of the whole as a child of immigrants that may have well been you, adn you're lucky and have had great opportunities and you should recognize that and give something back. I think he also likes that if he visits me they'll be only 6 hrs from New Orleans, which gratned isn't the happiest palce right now, but still really cool.
I think I agree with him though about spending two years trying to get other kids to have at least more chances at the opportunities I've had in life.
Ok back to Thesis.