Thursday, April 13, 2006

News and stuff

So I am giving up one someone in my life that gives me nothing but headaches and awkward situations. I hate doing it, its selfish, adn wroing, unChristlike, bad, foolish, mean, maybe even evil. But, its driving me insane, and its a purely hurtful and one sided friendship. In my opinion no longer worth my efforts.

On a happier note I got into Teach for America. I have until May 1st to say yes. I got English as a Second Language in Houston. Everyone has said not so great things about Houston, but I'm pretty sure I can find its charm. Everyone says pretty awful (and generally truthful) things about LA, which objectively I really dislike. But, I have found its charm here and there. Plus that's not the point right? I'm there for the kids.

There's no way I won't accept unless I hear back from JVI and its an acceptance call. Then I'll drop Teach for America like a bad habit and run to the closest Jez Rez for a communion wine and wafer party.

We'll see.

My dad seemed to really like the concept of me teaching ESL in Houston. As liek aprt of the whole as a child of immigrants that may have well been you, adn you're lucky and have had great opportunities and you should recognize that and give something back. I think he also likes that if he visits me they'll be only 6 hrs from New Orleans, which gratned isn't the happiest palce right now, but still really cool.

I think I agree with him though about spending two years trying to get other kids to have at least more chances at the opportunities I've had in life.

Ok back to Thesis.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Again a great cast and amazing people to work with in the team. Thanks for a great run people! Posted by Picasa

many people enjoyed the show and so i call it a renound success! Last night was a full house and everything was beautiful! Posted by Picasa

one of my favorite thigns was also the sound. Posted by Picasa

and an all around great time! Posted by Picasa

amazing lighting Posted by Picasa

lots and lots of spandex Posted by Picasa

lots of spandex... Posted by Picasa

and spandex Posted by Picasa

sex of course... Posted by Picasa

many moments of awkwardness Posted by Picasa

there were many long silences Posted by Picasa

This smester... this thesis: NO EXIT! Posted by Picasa

ah... what more can be said... Posted by Picasa

the "shameless" stripping scene I wish I had on video... Posted by Picasa

the cuteness before the end... Posted by Picasa

My play just ended so here's a few pictures from Closer... A play that went amazingly with some of the best people I've worked with... Posted by Picasa