There are a few things I need to get out there.
First, I got the spy call from the JVI. I am spending the next two years in the Marshall ISalnds living in poverty. The decision is made. I am terrified... like piss my pants terrified and I don't care. It is also very exciting, and I hope God does amazing things with and to me on the journey.
I also really love UCLA Film right now, and wanna go there Bad real Bad on my return.
Secondly, I am almost done with college. Thank God. Except for haivng met like 3 people in the last few weeks I want to take with me because they are amazing and I will not get to know them better in person.
Third, Yesterday there was this ridiculous boycott against HR4537. Worst Idea I have ever heard. Illegal immigrants and immigration issues being very important to me, my fmaily, my history, and many people I know... WHAT THE FUCK? HR4537 is GREAT and I support it 100%. I am sick and tired of Americans idealizing and romanticizig immigrants. The poor unfortunate and desperate souls that scurry into the country. Grow the FUCK UP. a majority of immigrants are not selfless, desperate, helpless souls with no other options. They are selfish falsly motivated people who are actually better off in their countries. refugees are a very different issue. I am talking about the majority of illegal immigrants, and lets face the facts, when we talk about illegal immigrants in this country 90% of the time we are talking mexico and central america. So many people in this country act like we are the only ones with an illegal immigrant problem... yes PROBLEM... when in reality all countries have it and every single one of them thinks it is a problem. There are reasons for that. While I may not agree with all the one's given by our governemtn or some of the supporting side's spokespeople, I do agree it is a PROBLEM and HR4537 needs to happen.
I would like to boycott idealistic and misinformed overly liberal white college students... can I do that?
Finally, I love cheesecake. I want some.
Out for now.