So, this update has been a long time coming... but a few months back, we got into the ridiculousness of our lives even more by branching out with our "spirituality nights" and performing the most Christian-nerdy night of fun ever to have arisen in teh minds of liberal minded Majuro JVis... we went BIBLICAL BOWLING...
It was quite an adventure in an of itself, but then Jacqueling made sure that we WALKED to the bowling alley in full costume, Later on I'll put up the picture of me walkign down the street and

the cab driver driving by with his mouth wide open.
Any way, the point is we got there, and it was fun, in the end, even if it was ridiculous.
The breakdown was as follows:
Jaqueline and Greg were team #1, the old testament:
Salome and Solomon
Emily and I were Team #2, the new testament:
(See how the second years gang up on the first?)
Mary Magdalane and Mary the Mother of Jesus
Greg and jaqueline wupped our asses, but they never ended up getting the back massages that they won as a prize.
Later in teh week Emily found a bowling trophy on the side of the road while running, and of course she picked it up and brought it home... she does that a lot...
And I, well... I am still embarrased, but in a small way.. a little closer to God.