Why pasta is really rice in disguise
An old woman came to my house today and she saw the angel hair pasta I brought to make the family in the next few days. They told her what it was. They've had pasta before, they know what it is, they've even learned to prepare a rather decent chicken primavera like dish. Yet, this woman insisted on educating them. They were wrong she said, and so were the ingrediants listed on the bag... it was in fact.. chamal... and she had me search for the "english word rice" on the bag. I assured her it was not there, i had bought it and made it before and it was not rice... yet she insisted... and she said she didn't like these different shaped rice in disguise things. They tasted like crap and my family shouldn't allow me to feed them such guck. There was nothing to do but slightly chuckle inwardly.
KPG is great! It is nice to have nothing really to do for a few days. I am going on some long walk tomorrow to picnic with my daaju and all his friends. This should be an interesting adventure... I'm not sure I'm mentally prepared for what's in store. It should be tons of fun though. Its warm all day.. hot even.. but once it gets to be 5 or 6 pmits cold again and i dont have the sweet heating tricks I did at the hotel so last night i just kinda rubbed myself against myself to sleep. Its really harder than you think to sleep with your hands in your pockets.
I didn't bring my sandals which I should've guessed was a bad idea. Now i have to go buy some. But they are like a 100 RPS so its not a big deal.
As for the other families. Mark's family is great, but they are by far the angriest I think since he has made no effort whatsoever to contact them. They are pissed as far as i can tell since almost everyone I have met has gone, "When's Sukdew coming?... His family is really angry." Though, if I were him I would call or write but ot show my face round here for a long time. The way his baauju acted the once time I went over was scaaaaary. She pulled me aside at least 3 times to ask me the same questions :Where's mark, hows mark, whens he coming, why doesnt he call me.. on and on and on. She got her carpet all shaken up by Mr. Marklepants and it wouldnt surprise me if he spent any more time in that house it wouldn't be alittle too obvious and he'd leave with a khukuri smashed halfway down his face. As I can remember, that family doesn't take well to wife stealers.
I tried to go see the Molly's but they weren't around. And I havn't gone to visit anyone else. Ariel's family always half jokes about her never writing or calling. I think they did actually really really like her, it just didn't come across very well. So I try to play it off as much as I can.. which leads to some presciously awkward moments.
Other than that not much has gone on. I'll make sure to post more interesting stuff when it happens.
I am, though, on a final note, really sick of tea, and tea farms, and hwo tea grows, and hwo tehy make tea and dry it and pick it and shake it and mash it and seperate it and where its from and aghhhhh! though drinking it is still nice. I'm gonna bring a ton back.