OK, just for a little bit of aircleaning. I have to point something out... how many times has anyone ever sat around to read a person they do not know's blogs... hopefully never, or else I fear for your level of boredom. AND say you have, you were probably that bored, and don't really care what it was about. So, simply because I am too lazy to write individual emails, and because I have little time and it is hard to type on this Samsung keyboard from 1810, I have to point out that no one reads these, and people who do don't really care what they say. I also know exactly who, from where, and how long every person that reads this is from... if I were anally retentive enough to look I am sure I would be amused by the low number.
Today, spurred by this moment, I would like to rant about opinions. In one's life one has opinions, some help, some hinder you along the way, and in the end, everyone else just has to suck them up. They form your htoughts, and therefore they change with time, which is why opinions should be taken both very seriously and not seriously at all simultaneously. This is hard for most people to do. So we pick and choose when we should do each, but really we should be doing both at once. Anyway, since what one believes and opines is in fact all that one has to share with others outside of practical skills, jokes, and really good sex, one should in fact share them, to hide them, or to pretend not to have them, or pretend to have other ones... would be to Lie, and Lying is bad. Its a commandment, and no one can break them. It would be among hte most decievious of things to do so, because it would make people think you are someone you are not, love, trust, or even just slightly enjoy the company of someone who does not exist, and then when The Day comes, and one's Real Thoughts emerge, the others are hit with the Terror. The Fear. What happened to him/her? Why did they change so suddenly? It is so unfortunate when people "change" so quickly. Though it rarly occurs to people that they didn't actually change at all. You just never really knew who they were because they didn't want to tell you.
SO, I must stick to commandment 11, which is be honest. Sometimes that will you help you along the way, sometimes it will hinder you. Such is life. Its not like pretend, "more acceptable" opinions will only always help you, they will hinder you too... it all depends on what you want to do and where you want to go. I fear little from people. Scandal helps if you manage it, hatred and love always come had in hand and that makes you live forever, and masses are easily deviated from bad thoughts, and I as a member of the masses am easily ocnvinced of the common idiotic thought.
In the end, I don't so much dislike people whose opinions are stated which I think are wrong or evil or just plain intellectually defficient. I dislike middle grounds, teeter totterers. Doubt is good. Doubt fuels passion, imagination, journeys. Jesus doubted, God doubted, Krishna doubted, even the prophet Muhammad doubted, Shakiyamuni the Buddha, my parents, the little sperm that headed towards my little egg, the guy who droe me 3 hours in the dark to get to a hotel, the lady that has to decide whether or not my bags should be searched, me stripped naked, and my anus looked in for crack that always (Thank God) smiles and says have a nice day sure that I am a good person, the guy who stole my Nalgene bottle, all doubted. BUT, the poin of doubt it TO GET OVER IT... to pass through the valley of the friggin' shadow of death.. not to wallow in it like a melancholy half-retarded mule unwilling to move forward. Eventually you have ot make up your mind.. that is THE POINT.. now this could tkae years or minutes... but people these days live their entire lives on the middleground, waiting for some universal truth like life after death, god, whether or not gay people are evil spawn, and whther dog are btter than cats or cats are better than dogs, even if tuna or cheese causes cancer to reveal itself by itself. It is not your job to make a decision... just let the universe do it for you. GET OFF YOUR ASS, STOP WATCHING TV, and GO MAKE IT YOURSELF! I dislike life long agnostics these days. Simple as that. I am one right now..on some things. but I am looking actively to change that, not sitting around until I die to have something make my mind up for me.
Live with no regrets, be yourself, make up our mind on things, and do whatever the fuck you want, don't let anyone tell you you can't and then you can. Sometimes you will fail... thats part of the game. Doesn't mean you don't get it in the long run, and if you don't look around maybe you got something better.
Don't be a pessimist, but don'tbe an optimist.
Don't get for christmas a bicycle whose wheels are all wrong, a toy who is just the wrong one, or a ticket to the wrong location. But don't get a room full of horse shit and dig in it for a pony.
I don't take showers once of twice a week.
I like the taste of Chinese food after its sat overnight inthe fridge and without warming it.
I would prefer to ride a horse, then a motorcycle, than a car, than wakl, and I can't ride a bike adn don't care learning.
I've grown to like cats.
I have loved and been loved.
I have loved and lost.
I have pretended to care about people.
I have damaged a soul.
I have left scars.
I can't eat the outer rougher part of Brie.
I actually like the taste of carrots, but always say I don't and refuse to eat anything with them in it.
I think celery is quite disgusting without dressing.
I wish I could fly every day.
I am too old for my age.
I am too childish for my age.
I am too petulant for any age.
I never want to fully be an adult, and never will be, even if I have to.
That will get me in trouble.
I held a huge snake once while I was drunk and really high.
Yes I was high.
Grow up, it is not that big a deal.
Every day worse and better things in the world happen than the small things in my life.
Every day things happen in my life worse and better than the big things in the world.
Jesus tolerates everything but intolerance which is not a paradox or an illogical statement, so if you don't like someone for generally irrational reasons...Jesus does in fact hate you.
Change of get over it.
2+2=4 not 5 not 3 not 238974637364873, so an answer can be right.
I think the next professor that tells me or someone lse that an answer is good but not good enough, right but not right enough, or that was just ok or nice.. will get a little mini lecture in return, where i will say I was WRONG, and that I will not grow up to kill people, eat babies or tyranically overrule a 3rd world country if they tell me so.