So, I'll write about Big-O (the orientation 2 weeks) when I am settled into Majuro and can put some pictures up and stuff. For now, I will drop a note baout our little Hawaiian layover. One night a few hours, philipino food, mall shopping, bus riding, exhaustion forced passing out, snoring, elbowing, fruit eating, moshi moshi, and an all around good time. to summerize. I am very excited right now, sitting in the airport, waiting for the island hopper. It feels very reminiscent of the aiport internet hours and hours I spent in kolkata aiport. I miss the nepali crowd a dozen times over... and everyone else of course. Its just at this moment i remember andy and his wierd sleeping, molly long and mosquitos, arielle and exploring, tenders being tender, mark and sarah's sillyness, john's lovable bizarre and contemplative nature, michelle and her chilled out ways, nisha and her unspoken adventures and wild comments from left field, suzanna and her hugs, christina and her bad luck, emily and her nose piercing, and all the other people and things that came with the 12 hours in kolkata.
Here its airconditioned, comfortable, and only 2 hours. its not a birght little orange store but a wierd kiosk booth. my desitination is not the identity searching, post violence traumaed himalayan foothills but the isolation of a quater mile wide, 30 mile long island exploited and mutilated by american nuclear testing and crass selfishness.
This time I am accompanied by Ellen's caring nature, Emily's smiles, Lincoln's adventureousness, Greg's hilariousness, Tim's helping hand, Colleen's young and vibrant spirit, and Marcos' funny neck pillow, deep hesitations and hopes, responsibilities, and fears, and a deep sadness to have left the folk i quickly grew to care about before i really got to know any of them. I walk with them in spirit as they do with me.
I am blessed to have been touched, for however long or short, by such amazing people in my life, for however long or short a time.
I do not dwell in my memories and miss the present, i am eternally thankful i have the memories i do, to enjoy at my leisure and treasure forever.
Until next time, this is mike, in the islands, signing off.