The Kan-man

The con man.
Sometimes I feel like he's playing us. He's too darned adorable and he knows it. He knows how to get what he wants, when he wants it.
You see him with kids younger than him, older than him, adults, whatever, whoever. He walks his walk adn talks his talk and no on better be in his way.
Kan will be 13 on his next birthday. He is on scholarship at Assumption, as many kids like Kan cannot afford to go to Assumption. The tuition is 1,000 bucks a year! That is... well... a lot to ask from the people here. He's in 4th grade.
Yupp... 4th grade.
Kan may be a mastermind of deception, but he is a blessing in my time here. He brightens my day all too often, he is easy to love, and easy to hate at times... depends on his mood... not yours.
But, all in all, the kids has heart.
He gets things done.
His way or the high way....
the con man.
master of intruige and artistic manipulation.
product of a world where white people just keep coming, they have for almost their entire history, and they just keep coming
with presents
and money
and so why would you need to work?
You can just lay back and relax,
island style,
and as the first president of the country said:
"Money will rain from the sky."